Calculators & Information Sheets
Tax Withheld Calculator
This calculator will give you an estimate of tax to be withheld on gross pay for a particular period.
Income Tax Calculator
This calculator will help you work out your tax refund or debt.
Gross Pay Calculator
This calculator will give you an estimate of your gross pay based on your net pay for a particular pay period.
Apply for a Tax File Number
Apply for a tax file number online. A tax file number (TFN) is free and identifies you for tax and superannuation purposes. It’s yours for life. You keep the same TFN even if you change your name, change jobs, move interstate or go overseas.
Employee/Contractor Decision Tool
Use this tool to find out whether your worker is an employee or contractor for tax and super purposes.
Individual Income Tax Rates
Company Income Tax Rates
Weekly Tax Tables
Fortnightly Tax Tables
Simple Tax Calculator
This calculator helps you to calculate the tax you owe on your taxable income for the full income year.
Study And Training Support Loans Repayment Calculator
The Study and training loan repayment calculator will help you determine the amount of your compulsory repayment for the following loan accounts; Higher Education Loan Program (HELP),
VET Student Loan (VSL), Student Financial Supplement Scheme (SFSS), Student Start-up Loan (SSL), ABSTUDY Student Start-up Loan (ABSTUDY SSL) and the Trade Support Loan (TSL).
Private Health Insurance Rebate Calculator
Use the private health insurance rebate calculator to find out your private health rebate percentage and your income for surcharge purposes. This calculator can only be used for the current income year because the rebate percentage changes each year. This means your rebate percentage for premiums paid before 1 April may be different to your rebate percentage on or after 1 April.